There are so many different pornstars out there that we all have our own personal favorites. We know what we like and of course, many of you are going to have your own Hottest Female Pornstars list. From babes such as Piper Perri, the always lustful Riley Reid there is no shortage of pussy on offer and it’s why we’re always on the lookout for more.
Just because a pornstar is hot it doesn’t make them perfect. Like I said before we all have personal things that we like about girls and just because I dig a pornstar with tattoos doesn’t mean you guys will. That is actually a good thing because it would become a little boring if all pornstars looked the same.
The amount of effort that they put in on camera also determines for me at least on how much of an impression they’re going to make on me. I like a girl that never holds back and Riley Ried is certainly all those things and more. I’d like to hear all about who your best pornstar is but before I do take a look at the list above and maybe see if she is on it as well!